

30)夢の中の夢のメッセージ◆Message in the dream's dream

The next message was a little different and is concerned with UFOs. Associated with '14', which was the message given previously, it seems to be a dream I had early in the morning on the 14 th.  The message was given through a dream, but when I woke up in the morning, I realised in fact it was a dream in a dream. I remembered most of it when I woke up from the dream because I concentrated hard on it as I was having this dream, but then a little while later, I woke up again in this real life (laugh). So I remembered the first half, but not quite so sure with the last part....

その夢自体ははっきりとしたメッセージだった。複数のクラウドシップが空に浮かんでいるのを自分が見ていた。そして声ではなく、意識を通して、「これからたくさんのクラウドシップをこのように見るようになります。」と言われた。その次はおぼろげだが、確か「だからそれを写真に撮っておくように」だったと思う。ま、写真に収めるのは言われなくても多分していると思いますが、笑。   その後もちょこっとあったと思うのですが…   忘れてしまいました~  (ノД`)
The actual dream was clearly a message. I was looking at several cloudships hovering in the sky and was told in my mind and not vocally, "you will be seeing many cloudships. like this from now on."  The next thing I was told, I remember only dimly, but I think it was "so make sure to take photos of them,"  Well, I would take the photos anyway, even if I wasn't told, laugh!  I think there was a little more to that, but.... I forgot....!  (ノД`)

29)次に与えられたメッセージ:14◆The next message:14

このシリーズの一番最初のメッセージはメモしなかったので忘れてしまった…(^^;;  でも、与えられたメッセージは意味はよくわからなかったけれど、数字の14という事ははっきり覚えている。
I've forgotten the first message of this series since I forgot to jot down a note,...(^^;;  I didn't know what the meaning was, but I clearly remember that the message I received was the number 14.

Below are what followed after that...

- As I was reading other blogs, it was talking about a moving stone, I was thinking around that time about the meaning of the given message of the number 14, thinking, "14=Ishi (Japanese pun using numbers)? Stone (the word 'ishi' could also mean 'stone')?" So it was just the right timing, and felt it was synchronicity.

- The following day or two after that, when I reseerved the date for my certain lesson I was taking, the next date which matched for both of the teacher's and mine was the 14th.

- 2 days later, our family decided to visit our ancestors' graves. I found there what seemed to be like an offering of coins, which were put in front of many graves of our ancestors. According to the person who has been taking care of these graves for several decades, coin offerings like that was the first time ever up till then. The total of these coin offerings was 14 yen.

- That evening, I was looking for a certain song in a CD album. When I found it, the song was the 14th track of this album.

14…  一体14という数字は何を表しているのだろうか…
14.... I really wonder what this number could mean...?

28)私を守護する妖精からの警告◆Warning from my guardian fairy

The picture below was originally posted together with the photos of cloudships and strange clouds. It was a photo taken with the camera faced toward the sky as there was a strange-looking cloud, but it came out white because it was in the direrction of the sun during the day, and also because I took it with a normal cell phone, However, this reddish  black round thing was nowhere to be seen when I was looking at the sky at that time, nor when I looked into the lense when I took the picture.
イメージ 1
I thought this was extremely strange and when I asked someone who knew about these kind of things, it happened that this round thing was a cocoon of my guardian fairy, and appeared in front of me to give a warning. Moreover, I was told that it is not usual for fairies to give warnings like this and this picture therefore is quite a rare picture in that sense. 

On top of that, I was told by this person to jot down anything I thought was a message I received, till November. I have posted one already about such message I thought I received, but I would like to continue to post anything I thought might be messages I received which are possible to expose to the public.

27)与えられたメッセージ◆The given message

I had been told personally from a person who has already been awakened, to be sensitive to any small messages from now on till November.

Directly after that, when I was looking at my pictures in my blog, it was a picture I had uploaded normally, and had been looking OK up till then, yet it was damaged and only the top half of it could be seen, and there was another different  picture shown very thinly in the middle above the grey part with no image.

Because this image was so thin, you couldn't tell what it was. There was no design nor colour like this on the background of this image, and was of a different type with the other images around. There was something like a pore of plants in the image, and I took a copy of this image just in case as a proof. I had been closing and opening the window a few times and this strange image was still there, but was gone and back to the original after some time.

Below is the image concerned. I have not done anything whatsoever to this picture other than cropping.
イメージ 1

Below is the close-up of the "pore".
イメージ 2

The following day, as I went out to hang the clothes on the washing line, as I just looked up the sky, I saw a slightly long pore-shaped cloud among the altocumulous. Also, when I went out by car, on the way, I saw a big dent on the back of a car in front of us, perhaps being bumped into something before.  However, on the way back, I also saw another different car with a similar kind of big dent on the back.

ぶつかったために凹みのある車は時々見かけるのだが、かなり大きな凹み方だけだっただけでなく、そのような凹み方はかなり珍しい。実は最初の車は下が開いている湾曲したような形で大きく凹んでおり、後で見た車は、上が開いている湾曲したような形だった。その二つを合わせると…… やはり気孔のような形…
I often see cars with dents because they probably bumped into something. These two cars, however, were not only quite rare with the dents being quite large, but the kind of dents I saw with these two were unusual as well,  The first car had a big crescent dent with the bottom side open and the second car ws a big crescent dent with the top side open.  If I put the two dents together, it will be again the pore shape....

Is this pore shape the key?  I wonder what this shape could mean...?

26)自分のアカシックに繋がる◆Connecting to your Akashic record


Being able to recall your past which you have definitely forgotten could be connecting to the Akashic record as well...  This is because I read in another site somewhere saying that memories are not stored in your brain but in the Akashic record and the brain serves only as a receiving apparatus.
I have once been asked by someone who had already accomplished the spiritual awakening whether I had stumbled over and fell when trying to catch a butterfly in my young age. I kept thinking about that all the time while I was on the train on the way back from work, and then that memory started to flow in my mind somehow, when I had quite forgotten about it.
Also, when my family and I visited Asia when I was young, we befriended one of the local people there, so this person gave us a lot of fresh mangostines with the branches when it was time for us to return. I remembered up to there. 

However, as I was posting about that as a comment in another blog, perhaps because I was thinking about that for some time. The incident had definitely been well beyond my memory, but I was quite surprised when I recalled the inspector's face at the customs who confiscated our mangostines from us as I wrote about it.

This is just my own opinion, but when you have awakened spiritually, you can probably be connected at least to your own Akashic record more easily. Perhaps if your level heightens, you could recall even more quicker, but the key is to THINK for awhile.

25)UFOに乗りたいか?◆Have a ride in a UFO?

It was around yesterday, while I was in the car, looking outside at the sky wondering whether there were any cloudships, the following words suddenly came into my mind:  Do you want to have a ride in a UFO?
"Hey, could this be a message from the extraterrestrials?" was my immediate thought.  Because that message came into my mind, It was easy to respond straight away, "yes,, of course I do!" However, just in case that message REALLY was from an alien, I sent my true feeling together with it,
"To tell the truth, I think I will feel a little scared at the beginning because I've never met an alien. I DO want to get in a UFO and meet an alien, and I'm sorry I'm just like the general people, but that's how I really feel. So if you don't mind, could you please appear in my dream for a start? Then I can gradually get used to it..."
…と言った感じで、なんとまあ、自分の勝手な都合で調子がいいです f^_^;)  でも、素直に反応しただけ。子供もと同じです。素直に自分の気持ちを述べただけです。もしここから宇宙人の夢を見た、などと進展があれば、又皆さんにお知らせしたいと思います ♪
..... and the like. Well, quite selfish, trying to do it in my own way, aren't I!? f^_^;)   But I was only responding naturally of how I felt, just like a small child. If there is any progress from here like having a dream of an alien, I will let you know again  ♪

24)挨拶し、守ってくれた木々達◆Trees greeting and protecting me

(English translation provided inbetween)

I knew this park from long ago and have visited there a few times with my children when they were small.  It was the first time to visit, however, after I have been able to communicate with the trees. It was slightly a large park. One part of it was a place where children could play around, but since most part was covered with trees, perhaps this place was originally a very small mountain.
その公園に着くなり、びっくりした!他の木々から伝えられていたのだろうか? 私が来るのを心待ちにしていたと言わんばかり、その入り口に来るや否や、「こんにちわ!」「こんにちわ~」「こんにちわ♪」と様々な木からのこんにちわ挨拶の合唱。入り口には10本位の木が植わっていたから、その木々が言ってくれたよう。
As soon as I arrived at this park, I was really surprised! Was it that they were told by other trees? As soon as I came to the entrance of this park, I was welcomed with "hello!" "hello ~" "hello♪," a chorus of hello greetings from various trees as if they were truly looking forward to my visit there. I noticed there were about 10 trees at the entrance, so the greetings were probably from them.
家を少し遅く出たせいか、その公園をあとにする頃にはだいぶ薄暗くなってしまった。犬は自然の中を行く方を好むので、反対側の出口から出る事にしたが、暗くなり始める頃はちょっと怖い。夫でさえも夜そこを通る時は怖いという場所。小さな神社まで伸びている木々の中を行く幅が狭目の長い階段を思い浮かべてもらえれば、その雰囲気がわかるかもしれない。しかもその階段には明かりが何もついていない  ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Because I left the house later than I expected, it was getting quite dark by the time I was leaving the park. The dog liked walking in a more natural environment so I decided to use the other exit, but that side was a little scary when it was getting dark like that, Even my husband says that he would feel scared when going that way at night, If you could imagine of a long and narrow stairway among the trees leading from a small Japanese shrine, then you might get some idea.  What is more, this stairway didn't have any lights at all !  ( ̄◇ ̄;)
As I was feeling hesitant thinking it could be a bit scary even though I knew I had to go that way, a feeling something like "it's OK, we will protect you, so don't worry,"  came to my mind. There were trees such as pine trees on both sides of that stairway, and as soon as I felt like that, I knew it would be OK because trees would never lie and will never forsake you.
50m位の階段だったが、 何かあったら(多分)吠えくれるであろう犬にエスコートされ、両脇には優しく上から枝で覆ってくれている木々に守られながら、丸で赤いカーペットの敷かれた階段をお姫様のような気分で安心して降りて行った。
It was a stairway continuing for about 50m. Being escorted by my dog which may bark (I hope) if something happened, and being protected by all the trees with their branches gently above me, I went down with peace feeling like a princess walking down the red carpet on the stairs.
The sun had already gone down but was it because I had asked that it won't be pitch dark until I left this park? Although it was rather dark with no lights, I could still see the stairway and my feet.
And of course, I didn't forget to look back at the bottom of the stairway and say "thank you, trees for protecting me!" before I went away. I felt the trees responding as if they were waving their hands gently with a smile, if you described it in the human way.