

30)夢の中の夢のメッセージ◆Message in the dream's dream

The next message was a little different and is concerned with UFOs. Associated with '14', which was the message given previously, it seems to be a dream I had early in the morning on the 14 th.  The message was given through a dream, but when I woke up in the morning, I realised in fact it was a dream in a dream. I remembered most of it when I woke up from the dream because I concentrated hard on it as I was having this dream, but then a little while later, I woke up again in this real life (laugh). So I remembered the first half, but not quite so sure with the last part....

その夢自体ははっきりとしたメッセージだった。複数のクラウドシップが空に浮かんでいるのを自分が見ていた。そして声ではなく、意識を通して、「これからたくさんのクラウドシップをこのように見るようになります。」と言われた。その次はおぼろげだが、確か「だからそれを写真に撮っておくように」だったと思う。ま、写真に収めるのは言われなくても多分していると思いますが、笑。   その後もちょこっとあったと思うのですが…   忘れてしまいました~  (ノД`)
The actual dream was clearly a message. I was looking at several cloudships hovering in the sky and was told in my mind and not vocally, "you will be seeing many cloudships. like this from now on."  The next thing I was told, I remember only dimly, but I think it was "so make sure to take photos of them,"  Well, I would take the photos anyway, even if I wasn't told, laugh!  I think there was a little more to that, but.... I forgot....!  (ノД`)