

23)大きなもみの木◆The large fir tree

(English translation below)



From the hill near my home, I can see a very tall fir tree. It seems the tree stands somewhere within about 5 minutes from home. When I come home at night, I could see the silhouette of this tall tree and you'll never miss it because it's so tall. Each time I saw that tree at night, I somehow felt the tree was watching over me and also calling me to come over.

It was a place where I rarely went, but I decided to visit that way where the fir tree was one day, and met the tree from closeby. It was from the other side of the road, but I tried talking to the tree. The tree responded. Not by words nor through my mind, but by making my spirit heart thump away like mad.

On another day, although it was a little weaker, I felt the same way with my spirit heart. As I turned round the corner, I found a similar tall fir tree,so perhaps this tree was connected with that tall tree I always see.

22)不思議な雲と光◆Strange clouds & lights

The following are strange clouds and lights within the clouds. Some may make you think they are of UFOs.The last round red thing is a ? Is it a dust which happened to stick on the camera lense? But the ones before and after this one had nothing similar, and I didn't notice anthing like it when I took the photo either...
 I took the sun directlly though, could it be the sun??
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21) 龍神雲や鳳凰雲◆Dragon/Chinese phoenix clouds

I'm uploading pictures which seem to be dragon/Chinese phoenix clouds. Some of them are those which I only may be imagining so (laugh)! The 3rd photo is a ?  What does it look like to you ?
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20)いろんな雲◆Various clouds

Spiral cloud?
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A peculiar cloud, as if a child is flying in the sky?
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The sky seemed to be a little noisy. What can you see here in the sky? I feel there are something there. There seems to be a large snake head, but I'm hoping there are other beautiful ones there, too...
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Perhaps a cloudship...
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長かったので二枚の写真を重ねました。とてもステキな色の夕空に長い龍が…と自分には見えているような気もしたのですが、ま、そういうことにしておきましょう… 皆さんはどう思いますか?
I've put 2 photos together because they were long. A long dragon flying amidst the beautiful sunset coloured sky... was what I thought...well, let's say it was a dragon... What do you think?
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19)子供の頃に見た霊の思い出◆My memory of the spirit I saw when I was a child









When I was about 10, we were living in a flat (apartment) where there wern't many rooms, and my younger sister and I were sleeping in the Japanese tatami room. Our mother put us to bed fairly early, and it could be because we could hear in a small volume our mother watching the TV in the room right next to ours, my sister and I often stayed awake for awhile.

I forgot from when, but a light coming from somewhere started to appear on the shoji door (Japanese paper door) dividing our room to the next, and my sister and I often played on that light making bunnies etc using our hands and fingers.

However, one day, a boy in my class at school brought a book, and one photo looked almost the same as the light which appeared in our bedroom shoji door, so I started to become very scared from that night.  The title of that book was "I Saw A Ghost."

After a while, I told my mother that there was something which looked like a ghost appearing in our room, but she didn't believe my words. Since that light appeared almost everyday, I told her to come in and have a look when it appeared. That night, when we got to our bed and turned off the lights, that light appeared again on the shoji door, so I told my mother to enter our room. And what a surprise! I only saw that light always on the shoji, but it suddenly disappeared just before my mother opened the door!

My mother entered the room, closed the shoji door and made the room darker again. The light had disappeared so it was not to be seen on the shoji.  Since there was a large window on the side, my mother said that the light may be coming in from the lamppost outside, but even as a child, I could tell that the angle of the light would be wrong and you couldn't explain why then this light on the shoji had a particular shape. My mother waited for awhile, but the "ghost" didn't seem to appear, so she left saying "it's probably just your imagination."

But again I had another big surprise! This light reappeard directly after my mother left the room! This light, apparently, was about the same height as us, and  because it did not appear in front of my mother, in other words, an adult, it probably meant that this ghost was a child as well.  Actually, this spirit didn't do anything bad on us, and it just appeared every night on the shoji door when the room was dark, so I think my sister and I started to play on that light making shadows with our hands and fingers again.

Several decades have passed since then, but another strange thing is that the spirit had been appearing on that shoji so many times, and yet my sister didn't remember about that when I mentioned about it the other day...  My sister was about 8 at that time. Was it simply because she was too young to remember about that spirit light?

(Just to give you an idea, I have drawn the picture of this light we saw. Since I drew it with the mouse, and my memory is not that clear, it is just a rough shape of it.)
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18)木々からヒーリングを受ける◆Receiving healing from the trees

(English translation below)
ある所に来たら、ヒーリング力が若干弱まったので、この場所は頭上を木の枝が覆っていないからかな~と思ったが、「みんなのようにうまく送れない、ウーン、ウーン…」と聞こえて来たので、ふと見るとすぐ横には幹の太さ約5cm位しかない若い木があった。他の木は皆30cmはあるからそれは仕方ないでしょう…(^_^;)  だから「大丈夫よ、ちゃんと届いてるよ、もう少し成長したらみんなのように出せるようになるから大丈夫よ、ありがとう、ちゃんと届いているから。」と送ってあげた。
Was it because of the side effect of my spiritual awakening? I had been feeling heavy in my head and tired from my shoulders above. Then, I thought I heard in my head, "you'll feel better if you go and receive healing from the trees." In my case, I can't do healing well enough on myself, so instead,  I have the trees do that on me instead.
About 2 days later, I went to see the trees in the parks to receive healing from them as I walked the dog. One park was already there  since my children were small. I didn't realise up till now, but the trunks of the trees in that park were at least 30cm in diameter now and have grown to quite large trees. Such trees sent their healing power one after another on my heavy and tired head.
It was a nice tingling feeling somewhere around the centre of my head, a litttle towards the top and made my whole head relax. I walked in the park very slowly and had each tree send me the healing power one by one. Sometimes the tree would say "touch me" through my mind and when I touched the trunk of that tree, I would receive the healing more clearly.
When I went to one place, the healing power weakened so I thought perhaps it was because there were no branches above my head, but then I heard, "groan...I can't send it like the others..." As I looked, there was a young tree only about 5cm in width. Well, of course that young tree couldn't help it, since other trees were all at least 30cm...(^_^;)  So I sent to that tree, "Don't worry, I'm receiving your power alright. You'll be able to send like others when you grow a little more, so don't worry. Thank you, young tree, I'm receiving it alright,"  
I felt a little bad just me receiving, so I thought I'll have a little conversation and asked one tree, "my name is XX, what is yours?" and the reply was "Buna ( "beech" in Japanese)." When I looked up later, the trunk pattern certainly looked similar to that tree.

17)いつ花を処分すれば良いか花に聞いた◆Asking the flowers when to dispose them

(English translation below)




Those who care for cut flowers would of course dispose the flowers when they look weaker or whither, but as I came to be able to communicate with plants a little, I started to wonder what acutally the flowers themselves want us to do.

True, if the flowers  are there to appreciate or for decorations, they will not be attractive enough to look at, so either the tip flower part will be taken off or the whole flower will be disposed. However, the flowers have finally bloomed and they only have such short lives, so I wonderred perhaps I should keep them as long as possible.

I just had some cut flowers at home, so I asked directly to the flowers about that. Not vocally, but from my mind. The answer came back, through my mind, as soon as I thought of the question in my head, and that was, "Take us away while we still look beautiful." Communication with plants come through feelings often, and I could feel that the flowers didn't want us to see them looking ugly. Which means, the people who take care of flowers were doing what was right, If the flowers started to weaken or wither... the flowers want us to see them while they are beautiful, so that is the time when they want us to dispose them.

As I knew about the flowers' feelings, my mind overlapped with the beautiful women in the world: the Shaman Queen Himiko of andcient Japan, Cleopatra and those beautiful actresses we all know ...