

13)魂が感銘を受けた事◆My soul deeply moved

(English translation below)
今朝目覚めたら、自分の霊/魂が何かに感銘をとても受けてその余韻がまだ残っているという感覚があった。昨日、とても良い言葉をある方から聞いたので、それかな、と思ったが、すかさず意識の中で、「どこかへ行って来た」と聞こえて来た。どこかへ行って来た…  え~と、昨日、どこ行って来たっけ?起きたてだったので、まだ少し寝ぼけていて暫く思い出せなかったが、思い出してみると、確かにいつもよりは良い経験だったけれども、その時、霊/魂が感銘する程のものではなかったので、昨日の出来事は違う。

そうするとあと考えられる事は夢の中。夢では何を見たのだろう…  やはり暫く思い出せなかったが、霊で考えてみたら、不思議と芋づる式に次々と思い出されて来た。その中で霊/魂が感銘を受けたとすれば…

聖典の中で起こったと思われる過去の出来事へ。でもその出来事は、聖典で書かれてある事よりもさらに詳しい場面。最終的には、神の言われる事を聞かない人が、神の呪いを受けて、他の人と争っているうちに土砂崩れに遭ってしまった。 (感銘を受けると言うより、あまり好ましいと言えるものではないなぁ…(^_^;) )

・ 少し先を行った未来?と思われる夜の都心。六本木ヒルズのような少し斬新的なビルが建っていた。でもそれはマンション。なぜ未来と思われたかというと、周りの景色はさほど変わらなかったが、そのビルが現在の技術ではちょっと無理かな、と思われるものだったから。決まったいくつかの窓のライトが30秒くらいごとに点滅するのはできるとしても、そのビル全体が何時間かごとに90度位だか、向きが突然変わり、それだけでなく、もっとビックリしたのが、そのビル全体が今度は20m先の場所に突然瞬間移動… その斬新的なデザインが凄いからそれだけでも写真を撮ろうとしたのに、ビル全体が向きを変えたり瞬間移動というのは本当にビックリだった。 (確かに感銘を受けたけれど、余韻が残る程のものではないから、これでもなさそう)

過去と未来に行って来たけれどもどちらも違うよう…。そうすると、次元の高い人と何か言葉を交わした、もしくはどこかに連れて行って貰った、みたいな事のよう。でも思い出せない。この後者らしい夢をもう一つ見ていた?ようで、もう少しで何か思い出せそうだったが、残念ながら記憶が戻って来ず…  この特別な経験を思い出したらぜひ又お知らせしましょう。

When I woke up this morning, I had a feeling of an aftereffect of my spirit/soul being deeply moved with something. Since I heard a very nice comment yesterday, I wondered whether it was that, but I heard in my head immediately a voice saying, "you've been somewhere.". I've been somewhere...?  Let's see, where did I go yesterday?  As I had just woken up, I was still half asleep and couldn't remember right away, but when I did, it certainly was a good experience than usual, but not as much to be so moved that an afftereffect will happen, so that one was out.

Which probably meant that it could be something which I experienced in my dream. As with my experience I had yesterday, I could't remember about my dreams at the beginning, but when I tried to think back with my spirit, strangely enough, I started to remember one after another. Looking at the dreams which my spirit/soul may have been moved...

・ I went to the past to the scene probably from a scripture: The dream, however, was far more detailed than what was in the scripture. In the end, the person who didn't do what God told received the curse of God and as he was quarrelling harshly with another, they got buried in a landslide, 
(Rather than being moved, It didn't sound like a very good story...(^_^;) )

・Night-time in Tokyo possibly in the future? I saw a tall avant-guarde mansion like Roppongi Hills. The reason it made me think it was in the future was because although there wasn't much big difference in the surruounding, it made me think that the technology used with this mansion was probably difficult with our modern technology, Perhaps the light of certain windows switching on and off every 30 seconds may be possible, but the whole building turning around roughly in 90 degrees angle every few hours, or even miore surpirsing was that the whole buiilding  teleported 20m away from its original place was not so...  I was trying to take a picture with my camera of just that avant-guarde design, but it gave me a shocking surprise when I saw the whole building change its direction or when it even teleported! 
(It did impress me, but not as much as to give me an aftereffect, so not this one either)

I had been to the past and the future in my dreams but neither seemed to be it...  In which case, it seems it is something to do with a dream where I had a talk with someone from a higher dimension or maybe  being taken somewhere by this being, However I just couldn't remember. But it seems that I had actually had a dream of the latter case, and I nearly got that out, but unfortunately my momory was stuck out there,.. I will write again if I do remember about this special moment,