

12)不思議な雲たち◆Strange-looking clouds

イメージ 1
Beautiful but strange.
イメージ 2
Beautiful colouring, but the cloud coming in fromthe top corner looks like some kind of a creature...
イメージ 3
電線が邪魔していますが、不思議な雲があったので、ついとってしまいました!周りの雲と違って、この小さな雲は何?はてなの反対のような雲と、その下の方にある点のような雲… まさかその点の雲は実はクラウドシップ??
The lines are in the way, but I took it because these looked strange, too! Different from the other clouds around it, what ever are these small clouds? One which looks like the other way round of a question mark and another below it looking like a dot... or is this dot cloud a cloudship??
イメージ 4
Dragon cloud? When I saw this cloud, the head part reminded me rather of a camel or Falkor in the Neverending Story.
イメージ 5
Some kind of a spirit...? Personally, there seems to be 2 legs, with 2 arms in the front as if flying in the sky, and even a face looking back...!