

⑦動物に好かれる◆To be liked by animals

(English translation below)


When I visited one home for the first time and knew there was a dog, I thought that I would love to meet it, Entering the house, a scary-looking dog welcomed me wagging its tail. Soon, it rubbed  its head against my legs and was about to show its stomach turning over. The owner was surprised looking at the pet dog acting like that, because this dog usually barks at new guests. Just as she said, the dog started barking at ny husband who came with me.

I'm not sure whether it's because I love animals, but people-shy pets are totally alright with me if I were to visit their homes and they will even come up to me. One cat was so shy so that she never appeared in the room if a visitor entered the room, but when I was visiting, she rubbed her head and let me pet her, One dog even got on my lap so that the owner was utterly amazed...