

⑥プードルに実験◆Experiment on the poodle

(English translation below)




After coming out of the ticket gate of the station, because I was a little tired visiting several places that day, I decided to rest for awhile at the bench. Shortly after that, a lady carrying a thin poodle sat on the bench on the other side, so I thought, alright, let's experiment whether the poodle will understand, and I started talking with my mind to the dog, "hello, doggie, aren't you happy being carried?"

Then the dog started to look around. I thought perhaps the dog was receiving my message, so I continued talking. Then, oh, yes, the dog did actually look straight at me and stared at me, so I in turn said "yes, that's right, it's me. You've got it at last!"

The dog, after staring at me for a few seconds started to look away so I sent another message. The poodle again looked straight at me for a few seconds, but unfortunately, I couldn't manage to catch the thoughts of the dog in either cases.

Soon, the owner stood up and went away so I couldn't continue to experiment. Because I hadn't been doing such things during the time when I felt heavy inside my head with the side effects of my spiritual awakening, it seems my receiving power has weakened. Still, I suppose the sending was a success.