

②クラウドシップ◆Cloud ship

イメージ 1
(English translation below)     スマホで撮ったので、写りはあまり良くありません。でも、地元とはいうほどではありませんが、結構自分の住んでいる近くで見る事ができたのは驚きでした!


車の助手席に座っていたのですが、ある道から別の道に入った途端、ドンッ!と目の前に現れた時はビックリしました! (◎_◎;) 


左側にある3つの黒い点は、多分フロントガラスに付着した汚れと思います、結構汚かったので f^_^;)  

This has been taken with a smart phone so it's not a very good shot. However, it was a big surpirse that I could actually see a cloud ship somewhere quite close to where I live!

I may have been seeing such cloud ships really, but didn't realise that they were acutally UFOs until I saw such pictures in Giulietto's blog (Japanese):

I was sitting in the front next to the driver of the car and just as we entered another road, there it was, suddenly right in front of us! It really gave me a big surprise!! (◎_◎;) 

Giulietto says "when you get used to it and when you look up at the sky, it's like your eyes will naturally look towards it lead by its vibration, rather than looking for the shape (translation)." I'm not always looking at the front when I'm on a car, so that's exactly how it was for me!

I think the three black dots on the left are dirt on the windscreen (windshield) it was rather dirty!  f^_^;)  (This face means "er..., sorry!" scratching its head)
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