

20)いろんな雲◆Various clouds

Spiral cloud?
イメージ 5
A peculiar cloud, as if a child is flying in the sky?
イメージ 1
The sky seemed to be a little noisy. What can you see here in the sky? I feel there are something there. There seems to be a large snake head, but I'm hoping there are other beautiful ones there, too...
イメージ 2
Perhaps a cloudship...
イメージ 3
長かったので二枚の写真を重ねました。とてもステキな色の夕空に長い龍が…と自分には見えているような気もしたのですが、ま、そういうことにしておきましょう… 皆さんはどう思いますか?
I've put 2 photos together because they were long. A long dragon flying amidst the beautiful sunset coloured sky... was what I thought...well, let's say it was a dragon... What do you think?
イメージ 4
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